Eden Mu.
mikana wahine
“mikana wahine” is a ceramic lamp and spherical rice-paper lampshade carved with two abstract papaya plants laden with eye shaped seeds. aside from the functional value of this piece as a light source, the decorative vessel is charged with meaning and significance for the artist, who often makes connections to the natural world, and location she feels passionately about. in this case, the papayas are reminiscent of of the lush land in hawai’i where the artist was born. the eyes of the fruit, which are representative of womanhood and fertility in many cultures, portray the intuitive and omniscient power of femininity, as well as our innate connection to the earth as a mother figure. overall, this piece is a tribute to the ancient symbols of divinity and abundance that form in the natural world.
Selected Works
Lumiere in Wonderland
Head in the Clouds
Little Payette